Научная деятельность

Crystallographic Assembly of Macroscopic Crystals by Subparallel
Splicing of Multiple Seeds

Авторы: Victor G. Thomas, Nina Daneu,Aleksander Rečnik, Dmitry A. Fursenko, Sergey P. Demin, Svjatoslav P. Belinsky and Pavel N. Gavryushkin

Incipient ferroelectricity of water molecules
confined to nano-channels of beryl

Авторы: B.P. Gorshunov, V.I. Torgashev, E.S. Zhukova, V.G. Thomas, M.A. Belyanchikov, C. Kadlec, F. Kadlec, M. Savinov, T. Ostapchuk, J. Petzelt, J. Proklesˇka, P.V. Tomas, E.V. Pestrjakov,
D.A. Fursenko, G.S. Shakurov, A.S. Prokhorov, V.S. Gorelik, L.S. Kadyrov, V.V. Uskov, R.K. Kremer and M. Dressel

Micro-sectoriality in hydrothermally grown ruby
crystals: the internal structure of the boundaries
of the growth sectors

Авторы: Victor G. Thomas, Nina Daneu, Aleksander Rečnik,
Rudolf I. Mashkovtsev, Goran Dražić, Sandra Drev, Sergey P. Demin, Pavel N. Gavryushkin and Dmitry A. Fursenko

TAIRUS hydrothermal synthethic sapphires doped with nickel and chromium

Авторы: Victor G. Thomas, Rudolf I. Mashkovtsev, Sergey Z. Smirnov, Vadim S. Maltcev
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